Why aren’t some emails arriving in Kundo?
There can be various reasons why emails aren’t arriving in Kundo. In most cases, you can resolve this yourself by following these steps in order:
Verify that you have selected the correct inbox in the channel selector and search for the sender's email address and/or subject.
Check if the email address is listed among the spam-marked addresses in the inbox in Kundo:
Settings -> Spam Management- If the sender’s email address is on the list, remove it and manually forward the email again from your mail server.
Consult with your IT department to see if they can identify any issues in the connection between your mail server and Kundo, specifically for the email in question. They may need the following information:
- Sender
- Recipient
- Subject
- Timestamp
If none of the above steps resolve the issue, contact Kundo Support with the following details:
- Sender
- Recipient
- Subject
- Timestamp
- Message ID (provided by your IT department)