
Where is the statistics from our forum in Google analytics?


If you have used our Google Analytics integration, statistics from Kundo will automatically be added to your Google Analytics account.

Settings for Google Analytics can be found under Settings -> Visitor statistics inside Kundo.

Kundo on own subdomain

If you have Kundo on a subdomain, for example forum.companyname.se/org/forumname, the statistics will be displayed in the same way as any other statistics you get into Google Analytics from your website.

To see pages that are on Kundo, you need to filter out pages that are under "/org/forumname".

When you have Kundo on your own subdomain, all statistics are treated the same on your website, Google Analytics makes no difference whether it is Kundo or not.

Kundo without its own subdomain

If you have the forum without your own subdomain, kundo.se/org/forumname, we recommend that you set up domains under "Track these external domains" if you want to be able to see statistics between your website and the forum.

More information about Google Analytics

There are many settings you can make in Google Analytics that affect the statistics and if you want to learn more, we recommend Google Analytics Academy.

More reading tips on domains and tracking in Google Analytics:

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