
Setup automatic rules in your inbox (bonus)


Automatic rules can streamline your work by doing activities automatically, such as tagging errands or assigning a person automatically.

However, this is something that can be a little tricky in the beginning before you know and can distinguish patterns in the work. 

If you already know what patterns you have on your incoming cases you can go ahead an enter the automatic rules:

1. Click on the three lines in the blue menu

2. Select Settings for the correct channel

3. Choose Automatic rules

4. Choose an appropriate Name for the rule, so that everyone knows what the rule does

5. Create a Filter. There is different way of using filters. 

  • From: Who is the sender. It can be, for example, a supplier or an extra important customer to you. For example logistic@company.com, if you want to keep a close eye on all logistics emails from the Company. If you use an astrix "*", a so-called wildcard, you get all possible combinations. *@company.com, all emails from thatt customers will be hit by the rule. 
  • To: If you have several email addresses connected to one inbox. For example, everything from economy@company.com, it@company.com or development@company.com is forwarded to the same inbox in Kundo. Then you can put one of the inboxes in the "to-field" and set up automated rules based on them.
  • Subject contains: Filters on keywords that are in the subject line. You can have several keywords in the same rule, however, you need to click enter after each new word to separate them as unique. For example, if you have 4 keywords invoice, subscription, payment, pay in that field, it is enough that 1 of the 4 is included for the rule to take effect.
  • Text contains: Exactly the same as above. The only difference is that these are keywords found in the body text.
  • All e-emails automatically marked as spam: Kundo's spam filter marks mail that it thinks is spam automatically by typing (spam) after the subject line of the email in your dashboard. You can handle these automatically to avoid having to do it manually. It is common to choose to mark those who "do not require an answer", then you can find them but they do not bother you in the unanswered view.

7. Exceptions: Email that match a filter but should be excluded from the rule

8. Effect: What effect should be automatically triggered when an email matches a filter. The email can be assigned to an user, get tags, receive different priority etc.

If you have any questions contact your Customer Success Manager or email customer@kundo.se.

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