
SSO with Azure AD via OpenID Connect


To get started with using SSO to login to Kundo with your Azure account, contact us at support@kundo.se with the settings generated in this guide.

In summary, you will send us three values on Kundo:

  1. The Client ID value from the Overview page
  2. The Client Secret value from the Certificates & Secrets menu
  3. The URL found in Endpoints > OpenID Connect Metadata document

If possible, you are also welcome to send the information for a test user, so we have the opportunity to help you test the configuration before it is activated for your users.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Go to the Active Directory page in your Azure portal.
  2. Go to App Registrations > New Registration.
  3. Fill in Name: "Kundo" and Redirect URI of type "Web" with the value "https://auth.kundo.se/oauth2/callback/" and then click on "Register".

  4. You will now come to an overview page for the app registration. Copy the Application (client) ID and Endpoints > OpenID Connect Metadata document values.

  5. Go to Certificates & Secrets > New client secret.

    Add a "client secret" and copy the value for later.

  6. Go to Token Configuration > Add optional claim and add "email" and "upn" under the token type "ID".

  7. Go to Branding and add a Kundo logo and title to the App registration.

    You are welcome to use this logo:

  8. Do not forget to give access to the app for your users.
  9. Done!

Send the values you've copied to us at support@kundo.se and we will complete the configuration and get back to you.

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