
Adding your own scripts


Many people get in touch about wanting to add their own javascript to one of our modules. This could, for example, be because they use a statistics product that we don’t yet support, or to integrate a third-party product. How you go about this depends somewhat on what type of script it is.

Script for visitor statistics

In order to add a script for visitor statistics, you can go to Settings -> Visitor statistics

Is it Google Analytics you want to add? If so, there are a couple of ready-to-use fields to complete. There are also shortcuts for the most common settings our customers require, where you don’t have to copy any code.

If you use a different supplier for visitor statistics (e.g. Adobe SiteCatalyst)? Then there are two fields in which you can insert your script on the same settings page. We also allow script for visitor statistics to be loaded using Google Tag Manager, for example.

For security reasons, if you want to use this setting, we require you to run the script on your own domain, i.e. your customers do not visit you at kundo.se, but at something.yourdomain.se.

Script for integrating a third-party product

For this, you need to contact our support team and ask them to add the script. The reason for this extra security/double-check is that we want to check how the javascript for the third-party product functions first. We take our responsibility for providing support for the product you purchased from us very seriously and we therefore want to be sure that the new script will not affect performance or elements of our own modules. 

Google Tag Manager may be used for visitor statistics without contacting our support team, but if you want to integrate any other third-party product you need to contact us.

For security reasons, if you want to use this setting, we require you to run the script on your own domain, i.e. your customers do not visit you at kundo.se, but at something.yourdomain.se.

Script that modifies how our modules function or look

Unfortunately we do not permit this type of script. With the volume of customers we have, this unfortunately means that we may encounter problems with troubleshooting and providing support to you as a customer. In addition, there is a risk of new functions and design modifications ruining your custom setup. Therefore we have opted to say no to this type of custom setup.

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