Start a chat from a bot


Kundo Chat supports transfering a chat from an external chat bot to an available editor in Kundo Chat.

Please note that we assume that permission to store personal information according to GDPR has been granted by the user before transfering the chat to us.


To prepare the transfer from a chat bot to Kundo Chat you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Create a new editor that represents the bot in the chat flow that the chat should be transfered to. 
    • The name of the editor will the shown both to the user chatting and to the other editors in Kundo. A good idea is to use the bots avatar as the profile image, and the bots name as the name. This ensures it's easy to differentiate from normal editors.
    • You need a real e-mail adress to be able to activate the editor in Kundo. Any address that's not already an editor works.
  2. Ask our support to enable bot transfer by sending an e-mail to, where you specify the e-mail address and name of the new editor.  When you get a reply all preparations are done, and you are ready to transfer chats to Kundo.

The technical integration needed on the "chat bot side" is described in the guide Start the chat with a custom script instead of the standard button.

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