
Index your forum with Siteseeker


Do you want posts in your forum to be found in the search function on your own website and do you use Siteseeker as a search engine? Then it's easy done!

In collaboration with Euroling, we have produced a short guide on how to do this. We use Siteseeker's powerful web crawler, which simply points to your forum, and lets it go through the content.

This is how it goes in detail:

First, log in to Siteseeker's administrator interface. Then follow the instructions below. We use "lillestad" as an example forum here. That address should be replaced with your own .

  1. Add a new server for indexing: http://kundo.se
  2. Add a starting point under Starting points, org / lillestad / and check the box Get the site root
  3. Under Indexing Restriction, make the following exceptions:

    Exception paths: (the first line with only one asterisk is important)

    org / lillestad / * / anmal / *
    org / lillestad / * / rosta / *
    org / lillestad / * / logg / *
    org / lillestad / * / subscribe / *

    Except paths, but follow links:
    org / lillestad / *

    Allow paths:
    org / lillestad / d / *
  4. Also check the box Take into account robots meta tags.
  5. Under Dynamic Pages, delete the argument sort =
  6. Save, activate and index!

The hits from Kundo will now be displayed in the regular search results. If you use EPiServer or Sitevision with SiteSeeker's integration module, you can, if you wish, mark the Kundo hits in the hit list, or create a separate hit list with these in (perhaps in a right-hand column?). To easily do this, you can create a category, which you can then filter on.

If you want to elaborate on  how the results are presented and integrated on the website, Siteseeker offers workshops on this. Euroling offers a specially adapted workshop on how search results from Kundo can be presented and how the structured data can be used for a richer search experience. If you want to know more, contact us at Kundo or Adam Blomberg, CTO at Euroling.

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