
Customised login (different options)


If you want to limit access to your self-service channels so that only certain people can access it? This is possible by making your Forum or Help Center protected, which Kundo can help you with.

We provide several standard options:

  • IP blocking: Only allow visitors from certain IP addresses. Send us a list of the allowed IP addresses and we will help you with the required setup.

  • A shared password: All visitors have to enter password to visit your contact channel. Useful when the level of security does not have to be very high, and it does not matter too much if an outside party accesses the information. The only thing we need from you is the password to be used. 

  • Single Sign-On via OpenID Connect: Users log in on your site, and are then automatically logged in to Kundo when visiting. We currently support SSO via OpenID Connect via: 

  • Single-Sign On via JWT: Users log in on your site, and we ask your system for logon status for the user. This requires us to be able to check the login status of a user with your systems somehow, and typically involves an IT project on your side. We use JWT for this. Here is further technical information about how JWT works.

We are happy to accept requests if we do not have a login method that you wish to use. In that case, contact your Success Manager or customer@kundo.se and your request will be forwarded to product managers at Kundo.

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